Hey folks,
Today we're looking at something absolutely tragic - the rejection of Jesus by His own people. This isn't just ancient history; it reveals something profound about the human heart and our response to the Light.
Let's dial in.
John 1:10-11 "He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him."
Let this sink in: The Creator of the universe came to His own creation, and they didn't recognize Him. This is stunning. The One who formed and fashioned you, who wove you together in your mother's womb, came to His own people - and they rejected Him.
Think about this: Jesus tells a story in Luke 20 about a vineyard owner who sends servant after servant to collect what's his, but the tenants beat them and send them away. Finally, he sends his beloved son, thinking, "Surely they will respect him." But instead, they kill him to steal his inheritance.
The story Jesus tells about the vineyard owner’s son represents the reality that the people of Israel killed prophet after prophet and then ultimately, they killed the Messiah. Sadly, this rejection of Jesus isn't just about first-century Jews back then - but represents the rejection of Jesus Christ today. Why do people reject Jesus? John 3:19 tells us straight up: "Men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." It's not about a lack of evidence. It's not about intellectual barriers. It's about loving sin more than the Savior.
Let me tell you something that should absolutely shake us: The longer you're exposed to the Light and continue to plug your ears, the more danger your soul is in. That's why Scripture says, "Today is the day of salvation." Don't assume you'll always have tomorrow to respond to Jesus. By and large, people die the way they've lived.
Here's what's at stake: Just like those vineyard tenants, every person who rejects Jesus is making the most tragic mistake possible. They're choosing the darkness of sin over the Light of life. They're rejecting their Creator for the sake of their creation - their own desires and plans.
In what areas of your life might you still be choosing darkness over Light?
How can you respond with compassion to those who are currently rejecting Jesus?
Stay dialed in,
Jonny Ardavanis