Devotionals · · 2 min read

What are you seeking? Psalm 34:4-5

Welcome to our journey through Psalm 34. Today, we're exploring a powerful truth about seeking God and the transformative impact it can have on our lives.

Wisdom of the Day

"To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love."

– A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

Psalm 34:4-5
"I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed."

Have you ever lost something valuable and felt the rush of relief when you finally found it? David, in this psalm, describes a similar experience, but with infinitely greater stakes. He sought the Lord – and found Him.

The Hebrew word for "sought" here is "darash," which implies not a casual glance, but an earnest, diligent search. David wasn't merely curious about God; he was desperate for Him. And what was the result? God "answered" and "delivered" him.

Notice the scope of this deliverance: "from all my fears" (v. 4). Not some fears, not most fears, but all fears. When we truly seek God, He doesn't just alleviate our anxiety; He addresses the root of our fears.

But the blessings don't stop there. David goes on to say, "Those who look to him are radiant" (v. 5). The word "radiant" in Hebrew suggests a beaming face, lit up with joy. This isn't just about feeling better; it's about being visibly transformed.

And this radiance isn't fleeting. David assures us that those who look to God "shall never be ashamed" (v. 5). The Hebrew conveys the idea of never being disappointed or let down. When we seek God, we find a lasting source of joy and confidence.

Friends, in a world full of temporary fixes and false promises, God offers us something different: a genuine encounter with Him that dispels our fears and fills us with unshakeable joy. But we must seek Him earnestly. Half-hearted seeking yields half-hearted results.

1. Think about a time when you earnestly sought God. How did He answer you?

2. What fears are you struggling with right now? How might earnestly seeking God change your perspective on these fears?

3. How can you make seeking God a more intentional part of your daily life?
Write this on your Heart

When I earnestly seek God, He frees me from fear and fills me with His joy. 

Write this on your heart: When I earnestly seek God, He frees me from fear and fills me with His joy. 

Stay Dialed In, Jonny Ardavanis

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