Hey folks,
Today we're diving into a truth that's absolutely vital to grasp - the purpose of God's law and our desperate need for grace. Sometimes we can fall into thinking we're "pretty good people" or that we can somehow earn our way to God. Let's dial in and see why that's a dangerous mindset.
Galatians 3:24 "Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith."
Think about this: the law wasn't given so we could keep it perfectly. It was given to show us that we can't keep it perfectly. It's like a net that gets tighter and tighter until you realize there's no escape. The more you understand God's perfect standard, the more you realize just how desperately you need a Savior.
The Apostle Paul uses coveting as an example (Rom. 7:7). Maybe you've thought, "Well, at least I've never stolen anything." But then the law comes along and says you can't even want what others have. Why? Because if you're coveting your neighbor's stuff, you can't possibly be loving your neighbor as yourself. The law doesn't just deal with external actions - it exposes the rebellion in our hearts.
This is why grace is so stunning. God doesn't just say "no hell." He says, "Come home." Like the father in the prodigal son story, He doesn't just forgive - He brings out the robe, the ring, and kills the fattened calf. It's lavish grace upon grace, flowing from an inexhaustible fountain. You can't earn it. You can't deserve it. You can only receive it with a quiet, humble heart that's been silenced by the law and stunned by grace.
How has understanding God's law helped you see your need for His grace more clearly?
In what areas of your life are you still trying to earn God's favor rather than resting in His grace?
Stay dialed in,
Jonny Ardavanis