When we previously discussed Jesus as the Creator of the universe (John 1:3), we weren't just exploring theological concepts – we were uncovering the heart of human existence itself. Today, let's examine the deep implications of a world that has lost sight of its Creator.
Romans 1:21-22 captures this reality with striking clarity: "For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools."
Imagine standing on a mountain road, enveloped in fog so thick you can barely see your own hands. This is our cultural moment – a time when the fundamental truth of Christ as Creator has become obscured, with far-reaching consequences:
The Loss of Human Dignity
- When we remove the Creator from our worldview, humans become mere cosmic accidents. The disturbing logic of organizations like PETA – "a rat is a pig is a boy" – follows naturally. Without a Creator, what truly separates us from other organisms?
The Loss of Purpose
- Augustine's famous words ring true: "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God." Ecclesiastes 3:11 reveals why – God has planted eternity in our hearts. Without recognizing our Creator, we lose our story's beginning, middle, and end.
The Loss of Rational Foundation
- Consider this: We instantly recognize that "George loves Wendy" carved in a tree trunk required an intelligent author. Yet paradoxically, many look at the vastly more sophisticated information encoded in DNA and attribute it to pure chance.
The Loss of Objective Truth
- Without a Creator, we lose our fixed point of reference. Truth becomes fluid, morality becomes preference, and even our bodies become malleable constructs rather than divine design.
But here's why this matters beyond philosophical debate: Every day, we encounter people – friends, family, colleagues – living without the profound dignity and purpose that comes from knowing their Creator. Their stories matter. Their struggles matter. Their journey toward truth matters.
How can you show compassion rather than contempt toward those who deny their Creator?
In what ways can you help others see the evidence of design in creation without compromising biblical truth?
Stay Dialed In,
Jonny Ardavanis