Devotionals · · 2 min read

The Holy Love of God | Psalm 103:1-2

We've been journeying through the Psalms, and today we arrive at Psalm 103, a magnificent hymn that unveils the multifaceted love of God. As we dive in, we'll discover how God's holiness and love intertwine to create a love unlike any other.

Wisdom of the Day

"God’s love is holy. He does not love indiscriminately. He does not love everyone with the same love, but He does love His people with an unconditional, covenantal love that never fails."

R.C. Sproul, The Holiness of God.

Psalm 103:1-2 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits."

David begins this psalm with a self-exhortation to worship. He's not waiting for a feeling; he's choosing to praise. And notice what he emphasizes first: God's holiness. This isn't accidental. Later on in this same Psalm David will emphasize the love of God and yet before he does, David understands that to truly grasp God's love, we must first comprehend His holiness.

God's holiness isn't just about His purity; it's about His otherness. He's not just the bigger, better version of us – He's in a category all His own. Amazingly, one of the stunning realities of Scripture is that our holy God who is lofty and exalted has chosen to love us. David says, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him (Psalms 103:11).” For this reason, Charles Wesley once wrote, “Amazing love! how can it be, That Thou, my God, should die for me!”

God’s love is indeed amazing, but our comprehension and awe at the reality of our Father’s love is in direct proportion to our understanding of His holiness. It’s only when we understand God's holiness that we begin to see the true magnitude of His love. 

God’s holiness means He is unlike us and it means in our sin, we are born enemies of Him. If you are a Christian, it’s critical to consider the reality that there was nothing in us that attracted God's love. Yet in undeserved grace, our holy God has chosen to set His love upon us.

This holy love transforms how we approach God. We don't saunter into His presence casually, but we also don't cower in fear. We come boldly, yet reverently, knowing that the Holy King of creation is also our loving Father.

As you reflect on God's love today, don't divorce God’s love from His holiness. Let His holiness magnify His love in your eyes. For it's only against the backdrop of God's utter holiness that we can truly appreciate the wonder of His love for us.


1. How does understanding God's holiness change your perception of His love for you?

2. In what ways might you have been approaching God too casually? Too fearfully?

3. How can you cultivate a deeper appreciation for both God's holiness and His love in your daily life?
Write this on your heart

The holy God of the universe loves me. His love is not mere sentiment, but a holy, transforming power in my life.

Stay dialed in,

Jonny Ardavanis

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