ยท 2 min read

The God Who Knows You | Psalm 139:1-3

We've been journeying through the Psalms, discovering the richness of God's Word. Today, we're diving into Psalm 139, a profound exploration of God's omniscience - the fact that God knows everything. But this isn't just about abstract theology; it's about a deeply personal, life-changing truth.

Wisdom of the Day

"There is no more marvelous, wonderful, comforting, and humbling truth in the whole of Scripture than the fact that the God of the universe knows me personally, intimately, and loves me despite knowing me so well."

โ€“ Sinclair Ferguson

Psalm 139:1-3
"O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways."

Imagine for a moment: the God who named each of the one septillion stars (that's a 1 with 24 zeros!) knows you. Not just about you, but knows you intimately. The Hebrew word for "searched" in Psalm 139:1 is the same word employed when Joshua and Caleb thoroughly investigated the Promised Land. God has examined every nook and cranny of your heart, leaving no stone unturned. He knows you. 

But it goes deeper. 

The word "known" (yada in Hebrew) implies an intimate, covenant relationship. It's the same word used to describe Adam "knowing" Eve. God doesn't just have information about you; He knows you in the deepest, most personal sense possible.

Think about it: the One who knows when every sparrow falls and the number of hairs on your head knows you as if you were the only individual in existence. You're not lost in the crowd to God. He knows your sitting down and rising up, your thoughts, your paths, your rest - every aspect of your life.

Can I leave you with a beautiful and freeing truth? The God who knows everything about you is also the One who loves you completely. The One who knows you at your worst is the One who loves you the most. There's no skeleton in your closet that will surprise God or turn His heart from you. His love for you is based on His perfect knowledge of you, flaws and all. You don't have to pretend or hide. You're fully known and fully loved.


1. How does it change your perspective to know that the God who named the stars knows you personally?

2. Are there areas of your life you've been trying to hide from God or others? How might embracing God's full knowledge of you bring freedom?

3. How would your interactions with others change if you lived with the constant awareness that God knows your every thought and action?
Write this on your heart

In a world of superficiality, I am fully known and fully loved by the God of the universe.

Stay dialed in,

Jonny Ardavanis