Devotionals · · 2 min read

God's Masterpiece: You | Psalm 139:13-16

Recently, we explored God's intimate knowledge and constant presence. Today, we're diving into a passage that speaks to the core of our identity - how God has intricately and purposefully created each of us.

Wisdom of the Day

"Man is made in the image of God, and nothing can remove that image. The knowledge of this truth is the foundation of our dignity and worth."

– Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Psalm 139:13-16
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

Imagine this: before your parents even thought of you, God was crafting you. He wasn't just setting up a biological process; He personally formed you. The psalmist says, "You knitted me together" - this isn't mass production; it's intimate craftsmanship.

"Fearfully and wonderfully made" - 'fearfully' here means 'awesomely', inspiring reverence. 'Wonderfully' implies distinctiveness - you are unlike anyone else God has ever made or ever will make. This isn’t shallow sentimentalism, this is a biblical reality. 

In a world that often makes us feel inadequate, these verses are a powerful antidote. Your worth isn't determined by your achievements, your appearance, or others' opinions. Your value is a derivative of the God who made you for His glory.

God’s sovereign power is displayed in the creation of every image-bearer. Consider this: within a tiny speck in your mother's womb, invisible to the naked eye, God was weaving together 60 trillion cells, 100,000 miles of nerve fibers, 250 bones, and countless muscles and ligaments. 

But God is sovereign, not only in the origination of our life, but in the duration of our life. Ps. 139:16 speaks of God's foreknowledge of all your days. This doesn't mean your life is a predetermined script, but that God's sovereign plan for you began long before you took your first breath. Every day of your life matters to God.

For those struggling with purpose and identity - these verses are a powerful reminder. You are not an accident or an afterthought. You are God’s craftsmanship created for His glory. 


1. How does seeing yourself as God's "knitted" creation change your view of your perceived flaws or insecurities?

2. Reflect on your unique qualities - personality traits, talents, even quirks. How might God be using these in His purpose for your life?

3. How does knowing that God has "written" all your days impact how you view your past experiences and future uncertainties?
Write this on your heart

God has crafted me on purpose and for a purpose: to live for His glory. 

Stay dialed in,

Jonny Ardavanis 

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