Devotionals · · 2 min read

Passing on the Legacy of Faith | Psalm 145:4-7

Having explored the greatness of our God, we now turn to one of the most crucial aspects of our faith: passing it on to the next generation. Today, we'll discover how our awe of God should naturally overflow into passionate proclamation.

Wisdom of the Day

"God’s works of providence are His most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all His creatures and all their actions. To understand this is to see life in its proper perspective, for everything is under the wise control of God. This perspective must be passed on from generation to generation."

James Montgomery Boice, Foundations of the Christian Faith.

Psalm 145:4-7
"One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness."

This past summer, while preaching at a camp in the mountains, I took a moment to point out the stars to my daughter Lily (us city dwellers need to observe the stars whenever we can). As I pointed out the stars to my precious daughter, I tried to explain to her (as best as you can to a toddler) that the same God who named each star knows and loves her personally. Each evening I attempt to relay this truth with a level of excitement: “God is powerful, He made you, He is a good God, He knows you, He loves you.” This is part of the great responsibility and privilege of being a Dad. 

The Psalmist says, "One generation shall commend your works to another," David writes. The word "commend" (shabach in Hebrew) means to address in a loud voice, to triumph, to glorify. This isn't a whispered secret or a boring lecture. It's a joyful shout, an enthusiastic celebration of God's mighty acts.

Notice the vibrant verbs David uses: "declare," "speak," "pour forth," "sing aloud." This is full-bodied, full-hearted transmission of faith. When was the last time your children or grandchildren saw you this excited about God? The Bible says: “This is the way faith is passed down to the next generation: passionately, enthusiastically, and joyfully.” 

David continues: "On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate." Meditation here isn't passive reflection; it's active, focused contemplation. It's turning God's works over in our minds until they ignite our hearts with awe.

This passage challenges us: Do our children (or friends, spouse, etc.) see us as passionate about God as we are about our favorite sports team or hobby? Are we pouring forth the fame of God’s abundant goodness in our daily conversations? In a world competing for our children's hearts (or our own hearts for that matter) and minds, we have the privilege of showcasing the most awesome reality: the greatness of our God.


1. In what ways can you intentionally "pour forth" God's goodness in your daily interactions with young people in your life?

2. David spoke of meditating on God's works. What specific works of God in your life can you share with others so that they might revel in the greatness of God?
Write this on your heart

My life is a living testimony of God's greatness, designed to ignite awe, excitement, and love for God amongst the next generation.

Stay dialed in,

Jonny Ardavanis

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