gospel of john · · 2 min read

Jesus: The Light and Life

"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." - John 1:4-5
Wisdom of the day: Jesus came to speak life into death, light into darkness, and peace into chaos.

Have you ever stood in complete darkness? The kind where you can't see your hand in front of your face? In that moment, you understand something profound about light – it's not just helpful, it's essential. Without it, we're lost, disoriented, afraid.

This physical reality points to an even deeper spiritual truth. Just as we can't navigate a pitch-black room, we can't navigate life without divine light. That's why John's words are so powerful – "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men."

Think about this truth: Darkness isn't the opposite of light – it's simply the absence of light. In physics, we don't measure darkness; we measure light. Darkness has no power of its own. It exists only where light hasn't reached. This principle reveals something stunning about our spiritual condition.

Before Christ, we weren't just confused or misguided – we were spiritually dead. And dead people can't resurrect themselves. Have you ever heard of a corpse performing CPR on itself? Of course not! We needed someone who had life in Himself, the very Author of life, to breathe new life into our dead hearts.

The God who spoke "Let there be light" over the formless darkness of creation now speaks those same words over human hearts. And here's the astounding promise that John gives us – the darkness "did not comprehend it." The original word actually means "overcome." No matter how deep the darkness, no matter how long it has reigned, it cannot defeat the light of Christ.

When we look at our world today, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the shadows. War, suffering, moral decay – the darkness feels suffocating at times. But here's the truth that changes everything: no amount of darkness can extinguish even the smallest flame. One candle transforms a room. One life yielded to Christ can illuminate an entire community.

This isn't abstract theology – it's the fundamental reality of our universe. The same God who ignited the stars now ignites human hearts "to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6). Only a Creator God could make such a promise. Only the One who formed you has the power to transform you.

The same God who said "Let there be light" over creation speaks those words over human hearts today. Not to improve us or offer tips for better living, but to accomplish what only He

could do – bringing life where there was death, light where there was darkness. In Him – and in Him alone – is life, and that life is the light of all mankind.

Reflection Questions:

In what areas of your life do you need Jesus to "turn on the lights" and bring His truth?

How can you be a light in the darkness to those around you who don't know theirCreator?
Write this on your heart: The darkness cannot overcome the Light because the Light is the Creator.

Stay dialed in,
Jonny Ardavanis

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