jonah 1 min read

Heaven's Greatest Joy - Jonah 4

Hey folks,
Today we're exploring something incredible - God's joy in saving sinners. Many think of God as a stern judge who reluctantly shows mercy. But Luke 15 shows us something radically different. Let's dial in.

Wisdom of the Day:
"When one sinner repents, God says in heaven 'Start the party!'" - Jonny Ardavanis
Luke 15:7
"I tell you that in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

Picture this: Heaven erupting in celebration. Not over a million people getting saved. Not over world peace. But over one single sinner turning to God. That's wild, right?

Here's what's incredible - God isn't waiting for some massive revival to celebrate. He's not saying, "Ah well, we got one more, Gabriel. Whatever." No - every single time one person repents, all of heaven throws a party. Why? Because that's one person who was headed for a Christless eternity who's now been found.

We see this heart of God throughout Scripture. Jesus wasn't hanging out with the religious elite. He was spending time with tax collectors and sinners - the most despised people in society. The Pharisees grumbled about this, just like we sometimes do. "Why is he hanging out with them?" But Jesus responds with three stories that all make the same point: God loves to save sinners.

This should revolutionize our view of evangelism. We're not just doing our duty - we're joining in what brings God His greatest joy. When we share the gospel with someone, we're participating in what causes heaven to celebrate.

Reflection Questions:

How does knowing God's joy in saving sinners change your motivation for evangelism?

When was the last time you celebrated someone coming to faith? How can you cultivate more of God's heart of joy for the lost?
Write this on your heart:
God's greatest joy is saving sinners - am I sharing in that joy?

Stay dialed in,
Jonny Ardavanis

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