Devotionals · · 2 min read

Full of Grace and Truth

Hey folks,

Previously we explored how Jesus is our Greater Tabernacle. Today, we're diving into what it means that He is "full of grace and truth." This isn't just a nice-sounding phrase – it's the heart of who Jesus is and why He came. Let's dial in.

Wisdom of the Day: "Grace is not just a thing – Grace is a person. Grace is Jesus Christ." - Jonny Ardavanis
John 1:16-17 "For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For the Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ."

You know what's fascinating about grace? It's one of the hardest words for missionaries to translate because it's so contradictory to everything we're wired to accept. We get mercy – not getting what we deserve. But grace? Grace is getting something we don't deserve when we deserve the opposite.

Think about the prodigal son. The father doesn't just say, "Okay, no punishment." He says, "Bring the robe! Bring the ring! Slaughter the fattened calf! We're having a party!" That's grace upon grace – lavish, inexhaustible, mind-boggling grace.

But Jesus isn't just full of grace – He's full of truth. And this truth isn't just about being factually correct. The word "true" in Scripture also means reliable, sure, something you can bank your life on. Jesus isn't a trickster or a shapeshifter. He's exactly who He says He is, and He'll be exactly who He promises to be.

Martin Luther said it's like the sun – it doesn't get darker no matter how many people enjoy its light. If the whole world drew from Christ's grace, if all the angels in heaven drew from it, it wouldn't lose a single drop. The fountain always runs over, full of grace and truth.

This is why we can come to Him boldly. Not because we've earned it, but because He's lavished us with grace we could never deserve. And when we come, we find Him to be true – reliable, faithful, exactly what we need.

Reflection Questions:

How has your understanding of grace been too small? In what ways do you need to let God expand your view of His lavish grace?

Where in your life do you need to trust that Jesus is truly reliable, that you can "bank your life" on His promises?
Write this on your heart: Jesus is full of grace and truth – an inexhaustible fountain of exactly what I need.

Stay dialed in,
Jonny Ardavanis

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