Hey folks,
We've been examining how to live with conviction in a culture of compromise. Today, I want us to focus on something absolutely critical - why we can have peace even when the world seems to be falling apart. Let's dial in.
Psalm 47:7-8 "For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a skillful psalm. God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne."
Let me tell you something: We're not living in a cosmic tug-of-war where God and evil are equally matched forces. Our God measures the oceans in the hollow of His hand. The most powerful kingdom on earth is like a dandelion that He can eliminate with a puff of His breath.
Think about this: In Isaiah 40, the same God who calls forth the constellations by name and measures the universe with the span of His hand is described as a Shepherd who "gently leads" His people. This isn't just about power - it's about purpose. You're not here by accident. You're not living in this moment of history by chance.
This reality changes everything about how we live. When you truly grasp God's sovereignty, you get four incredible gifts:
- Purpose: You're here for such a time as this
- Poise: You can live with courage in a collapsing culture
- Peace: Your stability isn't rooted in circumstances but in God's character
- Perspective: You know that one day, He's going to bring you home
Listen, I'm not calling you to passive acceptance. Go vote. Share the gospel. Stand for truth. But do it from a position of peace, not panic. Do it knowing that our God is on His throne, and He hasn't dropped the ball.
How would your response to current events change if you truly believed God was in complete control?
In what areas of your life do you need to move from panic to peace by trusting God's sovereignty?
Stay anchored in truth, Jonny Ardavanis