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Eight Promises from God's Word for 2024

Eight Promises from God's Word for 2024

“The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” — Psalm 19:1-2

Perhaps you are familiar with these opening words of David’s 19th Psalm. The Shepherd/King David gives testimony to the reality that all creation bears witness to God’s existence, power, and glory. The universe we occupy is not the product of accident, but the large pulpit behind which God proclaims who He is. Indeed, as Jonathan Edwards once said, “Nature is God’s greatest evangelist.” The New Testament continues this same theme in Romans 1 when Paul states that God’s revelation of Himself in creation is so obvious and so plain that “man is without excuse.” This means that God’s general disclosure of Himself in nature is only sufficient to condemn, but not enough to save. 

Then what is sufficient to save? To transform? To enlighten? If God has revealed himself generally in nature, where does He reveal Himself specifically? The answer the psalmist provides is profound. God reveals Himself specifically, clearly, and powerfully in the Bible. Thankfully, as Augustine noted, God gave us two books, one of His world, and the other of His Word. 

“The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord, In every star Thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold Thy Word, We read Thy Name in fairer lines. ” — Isaac Watts

In verses 7-11 of Psalm 19, David gives six titles and six qualities of God’s Word and then gives seven promises to those who commit their life to it. Repeatedly the Psalmist will say that each of these titles, qualities and promises are “of the Lord.” Why? Because as MacArthur notes, the Psalmist wants to remind you that the Bible is not man’s word, it’s God’s Word! (1)

Six titles for God’s Word:


Although we typically employ different synonyms for The Bible (Scripture, God’s Word, etc.), the Psalmist details these different titles because it represents the exhaustive nature of God’s Word. 

God’s Word is: 

Six defining qualities of God’s Word:


Seven promises to those who commit their lives to God’s Word:


Much more could be said about this wonderful chapter in God’s Word. C.S. Lewis said of this 19th Psalm: “I take this to be the greatest poem in the psalter and the greatest lyric in the world.” 

As a new year commences, will you, like David, commit your life to God’s Word? Your life is a direct reflection of the level of commitment you have to the Scripture. Of course, as we read, we pray with the Psalmist in Psalm 119: “Open my eyes that I may behold the wonderful things within your law.” 

May the Spirit of God conform us into the image of the Son of God as we commit our lives to the Word of God.

Bible Reading Plan

I am frequently asked which Bible reading plan I recommend. For over a decade I followed the Horner Bible Reading Plan and would highly recommend it, but I also recommend the M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan.

The M’cheyne plan takes you through the New Testament and Psalms twice a year and the rest of the Bible once.

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