Devotionals 1 min read

Beyond Time Itself

Hey folks,

Today we're examining a profound theological reality - the eternal nature of Jesus Christ. Understanding Christ's eternality isn't merely academic; it fundamentally shapes our comprehension of His identity and authority. Let's dial in.

Wisdom of the Day: "The weightiest truths are often delivered in the simplest words."
John 1:1-2 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God."

Consider this profound reality: before creation's dawn, before God spoke light into existence, Christ was present.The Greek imperfect tense John employs for "was" conveys continuous existence - Christ eternally existed, without beginning or end.

This revelation transforms our understanding of Christ. He isn't merely another significant historical figure or even an exalted created being. He is the eternal God, existing beyond time's constraints, who suspends stars and commands gravity - the Alpha and Omega in His very essence.

The implications are staggering: Only a God who possesses life inherently can impart life to those spiritually dead. Only an eternal God can bestow eternal life. Only a self-sufficient God, complete within Himself, can be entrusted with our deepest needs. When confronting humanity's fundamental problem - our need for salvation - we require One who preceded the problem's origin.

Perhaps familiarity with this truth has dulled its impact. Yet consider: the infant in Bethlehem's manger was the eternal God entering time. The man who shared meals with disciples existed before time's inception. The One who endured death on Calvary was the ever-living God choosing to taste mortality for our redemption.

This truth simultaneously confounds and illuminates. While simple enough for a child to grasp, it has occupied theological minds for millennia. Most remarkably, this eternal God desires personal communion with His creation. As we contemplate His eternality, may we respond with deepening wonder and worship, knowing that the One who transcends time invites us into relationship with Him.

Reflection Questions:

How does Christ's eternal nature reshape your understanding of His authority in every aspect of life?

In what ways should the reality of Christ's eternality deepen your worship and devotion?
Write this on your heart: Jesus isn't just from everlasting; He is everlasting.

Stay dialed in,
Jonny Ardavanis

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